Sunday, April 8, 2007

this would be stuff

Some of you have seen this already. This is my latest creature sculpture. Once again, just for me, all for fun. The worst part was looking at the refference material needed to get the textures I wanted.
There are a few good weeks in here: about 18 working hours.
I am going to paint it and my others once I learn to use an airbrush.
And Digitalcanuck=Lenn... don't know what i was thinking not using my real name

Friday, March 9, 2007

no theme!

Since there is no theme from now, here is a wip image that I have been working on in my free time.

- the design belongs to a friend, I have done the modeling, texturing and lighting.

Sunday, March 4, 2007

Sports theme

Football dude

Tuesday, February 27, 2007

No way! It's the Launch of the Halifax 3D Crew Blog!

Ok, we're finally kicking off the start of our crew blog with a sports theme drawing jam. Feel free to post images from any jam (including this one) at any time. Maybe photos/ events will find their way here too. The very first post is from none other than his tie-ness, "Tie" Dave Gambacurta. Fun stuff Tie!